The events on our calendar reflect impaired driving activities going on throughout the state of Texas. If you have events that you would like added to the calendar, please submit your event to Jack Wenzel. Events will be updated as they are received.


Anaheim, CA

Since 1995, All Rise, formerly the National Association of Drug Court Professionals, has convened the only national conference for treatment court professionals. Over the past 27 years, our numbers have grown to include a wide array of public health and public safety leaders working to expand treatment for people with substance use and mental health […]

Institute of Police Technology and Management – Symposium on Traffic Safety

Orlando, Florida

IPTM’s annual Symposium on Traffic Safety is a 4-day intensive learning experience that focuses on the emerging technology and innovative solutions used in both the crash reconstruction and highway safety fields. Join crash investigation/reconstruction and DUI/traffic enforcement professionals from across the country to expand your knowledge by attending breakout sessions in both tracks. Maximize your […]

ATSIP Traffic Records Forum

San Diego, California

This event is for data analysts, state and local law enforcement officials, engineers, motor vehicle officials, emergency medical services providers, judicial administrators, and highway safety professionals from across the United States and international communities. Attendees can participate in sessions for the latest safety data collection methods and best practices and learn how to: Improve the accuracy […]

WEBINAR: Lifting Up a Safe System Approach in State Highway Safety Offices: North Carolina’s Vision Zero Community Collaborative

Virtual Event

Getting to zero deaths on our nation’s roadways requires the participation of a diverse group of stakeholders. North Carolina’s Vision Zero Community Collaborative brings together diverse stakeholders to create safer streets through innovative, multi-sector partnerships. Join GHSA and learn more about why this collaborative exists, the key role it plays in advancing Safe System efforts, […]

2024 AASHTO Safety Summit and Peer Exchange

The Westin Galleria Houston 5060 West Alabama Street, Houston, TX, United States

The 2024 AASHTO Safety Summit and Peer Exchange will again bring together state DOT leaders, management, and practitioners, as well as transportation professionals in the public, private, non-profit, and academic sectors, to share notable examples of programs, policies, and projects that incorporate safety for all road users throughout the roadway lifecycle and agency activities. The […]

Texas Impaired Driving Task Force Meeting

Norris Conference Center, Austin, TX 2525 W Anderson Ln #365, Austin, TX, United States

The Texas Impaired Driving Task Force meeting will be held at Norris Conference Center, in Austin, on October 17, 2024.


National Emerging Drug Trends Conference

Hyatt Regency Dallas - Reunion Tower 300 Reunion Blvd., Dallas, TX, United States

The conference will highlight several national experts that cover up to date drug trends, including: Emerging Drugs in Schools and Communities Specialty Court Drug Trends Cannabis (including Delta 8 and 10) Vapes and Vaping Trends Narcotics and Opioids "To-Go" Alcohol Trends Heroin to Methamphetamines Social Media and the Connection to Drug Use Over-the-Counter Drug Abuse […]

IACP 2024

Boston Convention & Exhibition Center 415 Summer St, Boston, MA, United States

The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Annual Conference and Exposition is the largest and most impactful law enforcement event of the year – more than 16,000 public safety professionals come to learn new techniques, advance their knowledge and careers, and equip their department for ongoing success. The three tenets of the conference are […]

NASID Conference 2024

Renaissance Arlington Capital 2800 South Potomac Avenue, Arlington, VA, United States and the National Alliance to Stop Impaired Driving (NASID) will once again convene the nation’s foremost traffic safety experts, partners, and stakeholders to examine the on-going challenges and complexities of multiple substance impaired driving. Participants will engage in robust discussions and identify key action items for the NASID National Strategic Framework to: improve and […]