Texans Standing Tall’s 2016 Statewide Summit is a two-day event bringing together national and state experts, the TST Youth Leadership Council, and you, working to create community change across our state. Through keynote presentations, breakout sessions, and networking with fellow community members, learn more bout the role you can play at home, in schools, and in your town to decrease alcohol, tobacco and other drug use among youth.
August 3-4, 2016
Seton Healthcare Family Administration Offices
St. Vincent de Paul Auditorium – 1st Floor
1345 Philomela Street, Austin, TX 78723
Topics will include:
- Impact of drug use on adolescent brain development
- Tobacco trends among youth
- Impact of pop culture on youth alcohol and tobacco use (presented by Youth Leadership Council)
- Effective fundraising and friend-raising (back by popular demand)
- Your Voice Matters – learn first hand from experts on the importance of civic engagement to advance prevention practices and funding
- Tackling powdered alcohol, tobacco and marijuana trends
- Celebration of prevention success stories across Texas! You are marking a difference!
- Addressing negative consequences of alcohol use, such as sexual assaults, STIs and binge drinking on college campuses
Pre-registration is required. Early birth registration is $125 per person. After July 11, registration is $150 per person. Register at texansstandingtall.org.
Learn more at texansstandingtall.org or download the flyer.