Each year, the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI), in partnership with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), works to improve blood alcohol concentration (BAC) and toxicology reporting of drivers that are fatally injured as a result of a motor vehicle crash to TxDOT’s Crash Records Section. For this project, TTI works with both Medical Examiners and Justices of the Peace in Texas to identify current shortfalls in reporting of BAC and toxicology results and improve the State’s overall reporting rate. In addition, TTI works to identify new and unique ways to improve the overall BAC reporting rate in Texas.
As a part of this project, we are pleased to announce the first annual Summit on Improving Blood Alcohol Concentration Reporting in Texas, which will be held on August 21st, 2018 in College Station, Texas. This one-day event is open to both Justices of the Peace and Medical Examiners, as well as their staff who submit BAC results to TxDOT.
Registration for the Summit is open. Space is limited, so please register early! Registration can be found at: https://www.dyingtodrink.org/summit-on-improving-blood-alcohol-concentration-reporting-in-texas/
If you have questions about the Summit, or would like to discuss the project, contact Jena Prescott via telephone at (979) 862-1525.
We look forward to seeing you in College Station on August 21st, 2018.