Can you identify an impaired client?
Sam Houston State University’s (SHSU) Impaired Driving Initiatives Office is offering a new staff-development tool (a 6-hour training program) to assist you in doing just that!
The Drug Impairment Training For Texas Community Supervision and Parole Officers (DITTCSPO) is funded through a grant from the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) which means the training is at no cost to you. This training will be held in Temple, Texas.
Goal: The primary goal of the 6-hour Drug Impairment Training for Texas Community Supervision and Parole Officers (DITTCSPO) is to work with Texas Community Supervision and Parole Officers on traffic safety, especially driving impaired, reducing the number of fatalities and injuries on Texas roadways.
Who should attend? Community supervision and parole administrators and officers. The secondary audience will be other individuals that officers encounter during office and home visits.
Training Hours: 6
Topics covered:
- Traffic safety to help reduce the number of alcohol and drug-related fatalities and injuries on Texas highways.
- How to identify in a probationer or parolee, and/or other individuals encountered during home and office visits, the signs and symptoms of impairment, including alcohol, illicit drugs and prescription drug use.
- How to develop or improve a resource guide for drug policies, programs and practiceswithin your organization.
Reserve your space today. Limited seating. Fill out the registration form and email to [email protected] or fax to 936.294.3263. You will receive a confirmation email regarding your registration.
If you have any questions, please call 936.294.1677 or 936.294.4579.