Alcohol has a significant effect on driving skills due to its depressant effects. While under the influence of alcohol, drivers can misjudge their capabilities and experience the following:
- Decreased reaction time due to slower reflexes
- Feelings of drowsiness
- Poor coordination affecting the mechanics of driving (steering, working, braking, etc.)
- Inattention to driving tasks
- Decreased rational decision making
- Depressed eye movement and perception affecting night vision and color perception
- Inability to judge car’s potion on the road, road signs and location of other vehicles
(Taibbi, R. How Alcohol Affects You. Current Health, Vol. 2, p. 16-19 (1994).)
People are often confused about the amount of alcohol contained in a drink. Many types of beers come in containers larger than the standard 12 ounces and other drinks, such as margaritas, have more alcohol than what is considered a standard drink. Remember, in Texas, the legal limit is .08, but driving ability can be impaired below the legal limit.