The 2017 Texas Impaired Driving Plan (TIDP) is now available to download. The primary focus of the Texas Impaired Driving Task Force is to prepare and maintain the TIDP. The TIDP has evolved from a simplified internal assessment into a detailed document that provides both strategic and operational direction for the State and TxDOT specifically in terms of reducing the impaired driving problem on Texas roadways. The complete standard operating procedures for TIDTF can be found in Appendix B, but the major items of responsibility are as follows:
- Identify specific impaired driving problems in Texas spanning the entire process (from prevention to enforcement to adjudication to treatment)
- Identify and recommend methods to reduce impaired driving in Texas
- Identify obstacles impeding the deployment of effective countermeasures in Texas and evaluate such countermeasures
- Identify and address unintended consequences that have or may result from the implementation of countermeasures including laws, campaigns, and processes
- Establish and maintain an effective network of stakeholders to communicate and work collaboratively to address the problem of impaired driving in Texas