Texas Impaired Driving Task Force
Texas A&M Transportation Institute
The events on our calendar reflect impaired driving activities going on throughout the state of Texas. If you have events that you would like added to the calendar, please submit your event to Jack Wenzel. Events will be updated as they are received.
Register now to attend the Zero Alcohol for Youth Academy in Houston, Texas, on May 25 from 9 a.m. — 4:30 p.m. Attendance is FREE! Pre-registration is required to ensure sufficient food and seating. Registration and full agenda can be found at Youth.TexansStandingTall.org.
What is a Zero Alcohol for Youth Academy?
Academies are opportunities for youth and adults to collaborate to tackle underage drinking and impaired driving. Sessions are led by Texans Standing Tall staff, Youth Leadership Council members, and local leaders. This day-long event provides:
The Problem of Underage Drinking
Among Texas youth, alcohol is the primary substance of choice. In Houston, 21% of 7-12th grade students report drinking alcohol before age 13. This is concerning because underage drinking harms the developing brain and is associated with impaired driving, poor academic performance, physical violence, sexual assault, and suicides.
The Power of Youth & Adult Partnerships
When youth and adults work together, people take notice! Many young people are passionate about the issues facing their generation. With support and training from adults, youth can bring valuable energy and effort to improving the community. Young people play a critical role in shaping the programs and policies that affect them. Youth and adult partnerships often result in more effective and sustainable programs, youth-serving organizations, and advocacy.
At an Academy, youth and adults learn to work together to take action and become part of the solution!