Texas Impaired Driving Task Force
Texas A&M Transportation Institute
The events on our calendar reflect impaired driving activities going on throughout the state of Texas. If you have events that you would like added to the calendar, please submit your event to Jack Wenzel. Events will be updated as they are received.
Join us for the first gathering of its kind where youth traffic safety ambassadors and highway safety professionals can come together to learn about the latest highway safety research, best practices, and strategies used to combat risky young driving behaviors.
The 2023 Youth Transportation Safety Summit will provide a national platform with various engaging traffic safety-related workshops and sessions, in the heart of Texas. The Summit program is designed to engage youth leaders, injury prevention specialists, non-profit organizations, and local and state governments.
This year’s theme is Life is a Highway. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear about the state of youth traffic crashes and meet the next generation of leaders in safety.