Texas Impaired Driving Task Force
Texas A&M Transportation Institute
The events on our calendar reflect impaired driving activities going on throughout the state of Texas. If you have events that you would like added to the calendar, please submit your event to Jack Wenzel. Events will be updated as they are received.
Whether you’re a seasoned program manager seeking a refresher on alcohol problem identification or a staff member who is new to impaired driving, this session will address the basic epidemiology of alcohol-impaired crashes. It will also highlight variations in drinking and driving patterns that may be the result of local conditions, such as college town or urban and rural locations. Information on epidemiology and variations would be accompanied by discussion of the need to align alcohol impaired driving interventions with the specific local problem.
Moderator: Rob Ritter–Director, Office of Impaired Driving and Occupant Protection, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Speaker: Amy Berning – Research Psychologist, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Speaker: Merissa A. Yellman, MPH – Epidemiologist, CDC Division of Injury Prevention
Speaker: Dennis Thomas, PhD – Vice-President, Dunlap & Associates, Inc.