Texas Impaired Driving Task Force
Texas A&M Transportation Institute
The events on our calendar reflect impaired driving activities going on throughout the state of Texas. If you have events that you would like added to the calendar, please submit your event to Jack Wenzel. Events will be updated as they are received.
In the days of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), we are seeing a reduction in overall traffic volumes and crash-related injuries and fatalities. What are the nuances of this situation, and what lessons can we learn to advance transportation safety research and practice? TRB is hosting a webinar on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, from 1:00 to 2:30 PM Eastern that will explore the impacts of COVID-19 on traffic crashes and overall highway safety conditions. This webinar is cosponsored by the Pacific Southwest Region University Transportation Center at the University of Southern California. The presenters will discuss lessons learned from the changes in traffic and safety conditions as a result of COVID-19, and identify how to leverage these changes to improve traffic safety in the future.