Texas Impaired Driving Task Force
Texas A&M Transportation Institute
The events on our calendar reflect impaired driving activities going on throughout the state of Texas. If you have events that you would like added to the calendar, please submit your event to Jack Wenzel. Events will be updated as they are received.
50-hour course to certify officers as Drug Recognition Expert Instructors. The course consists of three phases.
Requirements to Attend:
For more information regarding the course or requirements to attend contact one of our staff or email us at: [email protected]
Once your application is received you will be emailed a complete information packet.
Seat confirmation in the course is considered in the order that the completed application packets are received.
In cases where the school reaches capacity, suitable applicants will be placed on a waiting list.
Application to the DRE Instructor School is a competitive process and acceptance is not guaranteed.
*Please note this submission does not register you for the course, it is a request for application for the course.