The Recommendations for Alcohol and Drug Prevention Programs K–12th Grades is now available to download as a resource.
School-based prevention programs, beginning in elementary school and continuing through secondary school and beyond, can play a pivotal role in preventing underage drinking and impaired driving. If children can learn healthy attitudes towards alcohol and drugs, then they may be able to adopt safe behaviors that they carry with them into adolescence and beyond.
Currently, Texas does not have a standard mandatory traffic safety or impairment curriculum. To that end,the Texas Impaired Driving Task Force has developed the Texas Impaired Driving Task Force Recommendations for Alcohol and Drug Prevention Programs K-12th Grades for Texas school administrators and staff to reference as they consider implementing alcohol and drug prevention programs in their schools. The purpose of this reference book is to provide Texas K-12th grades with current impaired driving information for inclusion in health and other curriculum. This reference book provides an overview of alcohol and drug prevention programs that vary in cost, time, and materials so that you can select the program that is best suited for the needs of your students, staff, and schools.
Download Recommendations for Alcohol and Drug Prevention Programs K–12th Grades