How many people attend the annual Texas Impaired Driving Forum?
Each year, approximately 300 participants attend the Texas Impaired Driving Forum.
Who sponsors the Texas Impaired Driving Forum?
The Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) co-hosts this event with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). The Forum is made possible by a TxDOT-sponsored grant.
Who should attend the Texas Impaired Driving Forum?
Anyone who is interested in reducing impaired driving in Texas is invited to attend. Past participants have included representatives from advocacy, prevention and outreach, judicial, law enforcement, prosecution, treatment, probation, strategic management, state and local traffic safety stakeholders, and concerned citizens.
I registered for the Forum but can no longer attend. Who should I inform?
To cancel or transfer your registration to another person, if you are unable to attend, please send your request to [email protected].
I would like to attend the Forum, but the registration page has expired. Can I still attend?
Registration will be accepted on a space-by-space basis after the deadline.
Agenda / Speakers
I have a suggestion for a future speaker and/or a comment about the Forum. How can I give feedback?
Please submit an abstract using the Call for Speakers form.